Thursday, October 26, 2006

Way Down Yonder in the Pumpkin Patch

This morning Alex & I went with some other Moms and Babes on a field trip to a little pumpkin patch only a few miles down the road called Massad Acres. Most of the kids there were around 2-4yrs. old and enjoyed running around, but Alex does love to be outside and he must have enjoyed himself cuz he didn't fuss once!! In fact half way through he fell asleep! Guess his coat kept him pretty warm and snuggly--speaking of his coat it is adorable (thanks to Cindy Miller). A few sizes too big, but once he gets a sweater on underneath it's not too bad and he loves to be snuggly and toasty warm!! It was fun to watch all the moms chase their little ones around-though I know my day is coming! Alex was looking a little jealous that he had to be strapped in a stroller! Anyway, it was a beautiful fall day and Jenny and I especially had fun showing Daniel and Alex the pumpkins and corn and taking their pictures. We sure will have fun scrapbooking these pictures!!


The Owens said...

alex is so cute and you look great too! :) motherhood becomes you!

Anonymous said...

Hello Ryan, Jess, and Alex!
I'm sorry I haven't left responses sooner. Ryan, I hope your birthday was amazing. Your gift will be in the mail shortly (now I'm the poor, busy college student). I hope all goes well for all of you. Alex looks happy and healthy! Congrats again! Love you all.