Tuesday, October 24, 2006

And Then He Grew a Neck

It's so funny how once a baby learns to hold up his head all of the sudden you realize he has a neck! There are more than just lovely rolls holding that head up after all! Then his face starts to look different because you can actually see the shape of it up off those wonderful folds of skin! The sad part: he starts to look like a big boy and not so much like the newborn you brought home from the hospital--as one mom told me, it's all getting you ready for sending them off to college one day!!! But back to the point, that has been the case with Alex lately. Suddenly he is making little facial expressions that make him look like a totally different kid! Thankfully he has retained his smoochable cheeks. Oh, and he has learned how to make these cute bubble blowing noises to go along with the baby babble. Cute--but not so much when you are feeding him oatmeal. Can you say, "Who flung chow?"

"I've fallen and I can't get up!"

Tummy time is getting better and better. Especially now that I got out some toys that work well with tummy time. I can even tell that Alex's back & neck muscles are getting stronger because he is sitting up and holding his head up a lot better lately.


Anonymous said...

Little Alex is a marvel, he is making "headway" every day. We sure do love that little guy.
Hey Jess, is there any way to print out your daily blogs on paper so that this thing will be preserved once the blog sight comes to an end?