Saturday, October 28, 2006

Snuggly Sleeper

You know you can't avoid the fact that winter is cming any longer when you finally break down and pull out the flannel! Flannel sheets, flannel pj's, you pick your poison, but WINTER IS COMING! I know it's only Ocyober, but this is Michign, people!! For me, it's flammel sheets, love 'em! For Alex it's this great flannel sleeper-one of the many great hand-me-downs from CiCi! This little guy loves to be snugly warm when he's sleeping. Speaking of sleep, don't we get an extra hour tonight? Of course, what does daylight savings time do to a baby's schedule? I'm not thinking this bodes too well for the mummy! Oh, well, if he wakes me up early & I'm a little grumpy--me?? grumpy??--all I have to do is get a glimpse of my little guy in his flannel pj's and I can't help but smile!!