Monday, October 16, 2006

Splish, Splash, I was Takin' a Bath

Bathtime has become part of our nightly routine: we have a bottle, take a bath, read a book, and go to bed. It's great because by the time we get to the bed part Alex is good and ready to sleep. Well, the other day I was giving him a bath and all the sudden there was water all over my feet! You see we only have a shower in our bathroom, so I have an infant bathtub that I use on the kitchen counter (which is easier on my back, too). Well, Alex likes to put his hands down into the water and somehow he got his little finger under the plug and pulled it out!! Water was everywhere (except in the tub where it should be) and Ryan had to hurry for some towels while Toby enjoyed an extra-long drink! Aaah, as Ryan says, that is the exciting roller coaster that we call Alex!
Ya gotta love him!

I have one word for this look: YIKES!

Do you think he is using the hairbrush as a microphone or trying to eat it???


Anonymous said...

As I've been following the "Alex Story" these many months you seem to have the picture perfect family, but photo number three tells the whole story.
You haven't put those plastic safety covers on the electrical outlets and my little grandson got the first electrical shock of his life!!!! Come on, keep a better eye on him than that! :)
Love you guys,

A Weaver's Touch said...

And again I say, "Sooooooo cute!" :)

Tfipps said...

Wow! He definitely looks like his parents! How cute!

Annie said...

Awe...he is so cute! Jessica, I dont know if you remember me or not, but I think we were in a couple classes at BJ together. My maiden name is Armstrong. Anyway, your baby is adorable and GO TIGERS!!!!!!!

The Coons said...

Annie, I do remember you from school and I just checked out your blog--that little guy of yours looks so fun! And congrats on expecting again, how exciting! What a small blogger-world!

Anonymous said...

Got to work on that hairstyle Alex, I don't think you have found the right one yet.
Love you lots