Sunday, October 29, 2006

Alex Turns 4 Months Old!

Well, happy birthday to my little man! Ryan teasingly says it's a miracle Alex has made it this far--considering my inability to keep plants and fish alive. But I told him I would definitely remember to feed something that makes noise! And look both Alex and Toby are alive and thriving!! Not to mention Ryan himself! Anyway, Here's the Alex news of late: I measured him last night and he's 27in. long. That is in the 97th percentile for 4 month olds (I looked it up). People are always amazed at how long he is, which I just don't understand---have they met Ryan??? His latest thing is to go on a sleep strike in the church nursery. He won't sleep and then gets so overtired and all worked up that I have to come calm him down and put him to sleep--which I don't mind, it would just be a lot less stressful to his little self if he would go to sleep for the nice ladies in the nursery! Oh, well, he'll learn! We've tried to get him to roll again since he did the other day, but no luck! Oh, and he loves cereal now. He smiles through every spoonful of oatmeal! Anyway, we are obviously in love with our little man and so glad that God put him into our lives.