Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Sleepy Mornings

Most mornings Alex wakes up around 7:30am, eats his bottle, and is ready to go back to bed by 8:15am. Yesterday, he woke up ready to play for a while. Now, he used to do this once in a while when he was still eating in the middle of the night, and that was exasperating because I was so sleepy. It's not so hard to deal with now that he wakes up at a normal time! Actually, now it's pretty fun to see him all smiley and "talking" and playful in his PJ's. (I personally believe that babies should just wear PJ's their entire first year! They are just that cute!) So yesterday we got out the camera and captured the fun and sleepy moments!

Alex is still refining the skill of gripping on to something and not flinging it into his face! Of course, everything he gets ahold of goes straight to his mouth!


My Middle Age Moments said...

i think that sleepy mornings are my thing still. :-) i agree on the PJ's....they are just too adorable in em...and I LOVE winter night gowns on girls. The best. Hal always loves it when the girls wear their 'flannel night gowns' and come out of the bath with their hair all wrapped up in a towel and jammies n slippers. Good stuff!

enjoy every minute of him...it flies by I tell ya

Anonymous said...

I think he is way to cute in his P.J.'s and I can't wait till I get to see my little bundel of joy. He is getting to big to fast. he's a keeper:)
Love, Grams