Friday, December 01, 2006

Like Father Like Son

Ryan took this picture a little bit ago and has been asking me to post it--I finally remembered today! Yes, it was posed, believe it or not. Though this kid can't read, he has heard a lot of reading in his short life. When he was a newborn and Ryan used to take him for the early morning bottle, he would read to him the biography of Jonathan Edwards and Alex would just contentedly listen to Ryan's voice. These days he hears me read him lots of his books, and he also hears Ryan read since we've been plodding through Don Quixote aloud (sounds intimidating, but it's actually a pretty comical book). Ry keeps saying he's going to teach Alex Hebrew and Greek soon, so we'll keep you posted on that! So far he loves to sit in your lap and read a book--he stairs at the pictures and likes to finger the pages. I know my days of him wanting to sit in my lap for long periods are numbered, so I am taking full advantage of his lack of mobility!