Thursday, December 14, 2006

Hurry, Christmas, Hurry Fast!

When Alex gets in the mood to suck on his feet, it's easier for me to take off his socks for a little bit than to deal with the sopping wet slimy socks that he creates!!

We are on a quest here to get all of our Christmas preparations finished--since we just looked at the calendar last night and figured out that it's only a week and a half away!! I know, we're a little slow, but really where has December gone anyway??? So, yesterday I finished my Christmas cards & also baked about 8 dozen Christmas cookies!! I hope to finish the cookies tonight as well as finish wrapping presents. I have one more box to send out to CO, but my handy Holiday Shipping & Mailing Guide from the USPS tells me that I have until the 20th to mail it for it to arrive on time, wheh!! I still have to buy Alex's present, and 2 things for Ryan, but then I am ready for Christmas!! It's been tricky, too, getting it all done, cuz I've been trying to stay home for Alex's sake, to help him nurse his cold! Hey, Santa, if you could spare a few elves I'd really appreciate it...:-)


Anonymous said...

what are you planning on getting ryan anyways...