Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Coughs & Christmas

Well, my little man has his first cold. I kept him home from church Sunday morning cuz he had a runny nose, but I thought it was just from teething since he didn't have any other symptoms. He seemed fine that afternoon so we went to church that night. Well, yesterday morning the runny nose was joined with a cough. So I trecked through the cold weather to the pharmacy. I talked to the pharmacist about what we could give him and we decided some infant robitussin would do the trick. He takes his medicine really well, though the little noses saline drops he does not like at all! He seems about the same today as yesterday: runny nose, lots of coughs, kind of clingy. But he's really not acting like he feels that bad, his energy is still up and he's happy. So we'll just stay indoors and warm and cozy! I am sorry that I can't take him outside to see and feel the snow that we got yesterday, but I let him look at it through the front door and he watched it fall for a few minutes. Ahh, winter in Michigan! Tis the season!

Shhh...don't tell Alex, but this is going to be his Christmas present! He did well in the excersaucer in the church nursery, and is getting pretty bored with the playmat he has here (he'd rather sit up than lay down), so he's going to love this! I found it for a good deal at Meijer, and was going to get it this weekend, but didn't for various reasons. Then today I found a coupon for $5.00 off any toy, so I'm hoping that applies to infant toys, cuz that would be even better!! Coupons can make me so excited!! (it's the little things in life, you know) The coupon is only good for Wed and Thurs this week, so we'll be heading to Meijer soon!


Anonymous said...

hey jessica-i checked into this one as well because of the price. a lot of reviews maid comments about the hard plastic on the underside of the seat rim scratching the babies. i know with the winter alex won't have bare legs-but if he's still using it in the warmer weather-keep an i out for it. hope i'm not coming across as a know-it-all, just relaying what i've read.

The Coons said...

Nicole, thanks for the heads-up!! I hadn't read that, and it's good to know. I might do a little more research! Thanks, Jess