Saturday, December 30, 2006

Gotta Love a Sale!

As you can see in this pic, Alex officially has only 1/4inch left before he is too long for his infant carseat. So, it was time to take the plunge and find a new one. Not easy cuz those things are expensive, but we were really excited this morning to be able to purchase a 3-in-1 convertible carseat for Alex for a great deal!! I did some internet shopping and found an end-of-the-year sale on a site that was selling this year's model for half the price that BabiesRUs was selling it for & only $5 shipping!! What a deal! The only difference between the models is the pattern on the fabric--and to be honest the one we bought is slightly ugly--but Alex doesn't care and neither do I! It's neat how God plops these little blessings in our laps sometimes and reminds us that He takes care of our every need!


The Coons said...

Wait a minute...are you the same grandpa who offered to use your tools to fashion a drool cup to attach to my chin and catch all my spit...??? I'm not so sure I want you "beefing up" my car seat...don't call me, I'll call you! Love, Alex!