Friday, December 15, 2006

Sleepy Stuff

This is how Alex falls asleep these days, fingering his little blankie. Since he's too big to swaddle anymore his hands are free, and if he doesn't have something to finger he pulls out his paci or rubs his eyes, and keeps himself awake. It's really cute to watch him, eyes closed, sucking the life out of that paci, slowly fingering the little blankie. Most of the time I can lay him in bed like this and he's asleep in 10-15min. Ahh, the life of a baby...wish I could fall asleep that fast!!

We found Toby laying like this in the doorway to the nursery after we put Alex to bed last night! He may be a little dog, but in his mind he is a big strong guard dog through and through!!


Tfipps said...

Hey! I need to get a new address from you to send your Christmas card to. If you get a second drop me an e-mail!