Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Staying Home, Getting Well, & Keeping Busy

The little man is feling a bit better today, but we're still staying in to keep him on the mend! Here's a pic that I took of my little charmer this morning! He has learned that he can blow spit bubbles and keep his paci in his mouth at the same time--oh, joy!!

My latest money-saving scheme is to make Alex homemade baby food. I had been toying with the idea for a while, and yesterday I plunged in!! Today...I'm a believer!! I spent $4.65 in fresh and frozen fruits and veggies and made $20.30 of baby food (since 2 cubes of food equals approx 1 jar and one jar is approx $.35). Plus, this way my little guy is getting fresh food. The pediatrician encouraged me to do this so that eventually I can take whatever food I am serving for dinner, put it in the baby food processer, and tadaa! Alex gets to eat real food!! (that won't happen for a while, but he's looking forward to it already!) I told you in the last post it's the little things in life that get me excited. These pics are of peas and sweet potatos--looks yummy huh? :-)


Anonymous said...

My poor little Alex!!! I hope he feels like his normal cute self soon. Give him a big hug for me.

Anonymous said...

Hope he's better by now.
I am impressed with your dedication to doing what is good for Alex. I tried it a couple of times, but found it too time consuming to continue.
Grandma Linda