Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Alex is 5 Months Old Today!!

Alex had his 5 month well-baby visit today at Dr. Bronni's office. We love Dr. Bronni, she is so sweet and helpful. But the important part of the visit was finding out what Alex's 5 month stats are: 20lbs., 27 3/4in. That puts him above the 100th percentile for both weight and height, and proportionaly perfect! To sum up the rest of his appt: he's healthy as a horse! And, (b/c mommies are allowed to do this) I'll repeat the really neat thing Dr. Bronni said about him after testing all his faculties: he is advanced physically and mentally for his age! That's my boy! ok, enough bragging, but I can't help it--I love him!


The Jackson's Journey said...

Alex sure is getting big and is quite the cutie. Can you believe he is five months old already? Time flies...

Anonymous said...

WOW!! I can't believe that he is 5 months old. I like how he ate the sign!
Grandma Linda