Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Spit Bubble Fun

Here's some spit bubble pics. This is Alex's latest accomplishment--we told you he is a brilliant child!! He spends lots of time entertaining himself this way, and it's pretty funny to listen to. He does this most often when he's getting sleepy and in the carseat. Having a kid makes even the littlest things in life so much more fun!


The Owens said...

I agree, Jess! You start seeing everything from the eyes of your child and it makes you slow down and enjoy those little things so much more!

The Coons said...

Honestly Pops, kindergarten??? Some people's parents. ;-)

Annie said...

That first picture is super cute! Pucker Up momma!

Anonymous said...

Spit bubbles. He is advancing nicely!!!
Grandma Linda