Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hangin' out with Mom

This whole teething thing turns my child into a different person every three/four days. Three/four days he's my old happy, playful Alex---then three/four days of this new clingy, cries-at-most-anything Alex. Don't get me wrong, I am very compassionate, it's just that the Mr. Hyde version of Alex takes some getting used to!! Anyway, these pics are from a teething day. He did not want to sit and play by himself much, he wanted to be close to me. Thankfully Alex is sitting up with little help but to keep his balance, so I can put him in my lap to do things. He also needs a little more help going to sleep sometimes on Mr. Hyde days, so I get to rock him a bit--which I don't really mind! Thankfully this teething thing is only supposed to last for....2 years???? I hear it gets easier as they get older though, so there's light at the end of that tunnel!!


The Coons said...

okay, okay, I sent you the recipe. Honestly, some people's parents!! :-)

A Weaver's Touch said...

When I looked at the first pics I thought you were going to brag on how talented and gifted he is that he was learning to help with scrapbooking already!!!! Have I mentioned lately just HOW cute he is?!?!?! :)

Anonymous said...

I know the teething thing can be hard. I think Mia was having teething problems just this last week and she is 2 1/2. Of course Drew and Mia didn't get teeth until they were 10 months so they are "late bloomers." Hang in there!! You're doing great.

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you. I think you summed it up very well with the Mr. Hyde reference. Dalton does the same thing-and I think he has about 5 teeth trying to come in right now.

My Middle Age Moments said...

Hey...it comes back again when they get braces...there is weeping and whining and milkshakes. haha :) I love the pictures!