Wednesday, April 30, 2008

TaHaZouka Park (weird name, I know!)

Two Saturdays ago we went to the TaHaZouka Park on the south side of town for a little family picnic. Now, if you are thinking "wow, she she has two kids under 2, and managed to get the whole family to the park and even packed a picnic basket with cold cuts and fruit and cookies and everything???" you are very mistaken!! No way baby, Applebees Carside to Go!! Best picnic dinner ever!!

The littlest guy was so sleepy he actually fell asleep in his carseat--something he never does! (somehow my kids missed the memo that babies are supposed to sleep peacefully in their carseats)

French fries and ketchup, does life get any better than this?

This park is really quite pretty with several small "lakes" and fountains and lots of fishing. It has a lot more trees and playground equipment than Skyview Park, and is much less windy since it's not up on a hill, so I think we will be going to this one more often!

Sammy & I were soaking up the sunshine!

Not really sure what this face is all about!!

Alex really liked this wavy slide!

I could go down the slide a million times if mommy and daddy would just stay here all day and watch me!


nic said...

Owen has the same outfit that Sam is wearing! Too bad we couldn't get a picture of them together. Maybe we can take shots of them in their carseats not strapped in-and splice the picture together! =)

Grandpa and Grams said...

Alex, it looks like you are having so much fun. I am very excited to come to your house and have you take me to the park.
Love, Grams

Anonymous said...

TaHa WHAT??? OK, I want to know how you get pictures with captions in between so nicely! The blog is starting to frustrate me! I'm glad you have a nice park to go to without me. Eat some fries for me next time, and have Alex eat some "fresh fries"??? for Josh!

Anonymous said...

I just noticed you have a TABLECLOTH on your picnic table. WOW! I am so impressed and proud of you! What else can I say?

Anonymous said...

Has child protective services been in touch with you folks about forcing that sweet boy to wear a broncos hat?