Monday, April 28, 2008

Long-lost Photos from Nana's Visit

The cheeseball in his Broncos hat getting ready for church.

Ryan's stepmom came to visit the 2nd week of March and was a big help to us as we were settling in to our new life here in the wild west! She cooked and cleaned and freed me up to do the organizing that needed to be done from all the stuff my mom and I had unpacked. She even took her turns with Sam as that week was one of his worst colic-wise. And somehow in all the craziness of life with two kids under two I forgot to post pics from Nana's visit. So, here they finally are--we were so busy that we really didn't take many, but we all had a good time together nonetheless!

Alex loves the pianos at church (we can thank Grandma Kay for that!), but is only allowed to touch this one in the fellowship hall. Here he and Daddy are playing a musical masterpiece for Nana!

Since Sam was not quite ready for his first haircut, he got to hang out with Nana while I cut Ryan and Alex's hair.


van said...

I believe you had a typo in your sentence, "The cheeseball in his Broncos hat ..." It should read "Our darling son in his cheeseball Broncos hat ...

van said...

Alex needs a Browns hat. It would look so much better on him.

Anonymous said...

four words van...

The Drive

The Fumble

...these four words sum up why Alex will never wear or even want to wear a browns hat.

van said...

Ah, but The Drive and The Fumble set up the Super Bowl XXI and XXII losses.