Friday, April 18, 2008

Captain Destructo Strikes Again!

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books
Aunt Jen sent Alex these cute foam puppets she made and I really thought he would enjoy playing with them cuz he's really into animals right now. Well, apparently he's really into popsicle sticks even more...the video tells all. Let me take this opportunity to say..."we're sorry Aunt Jen! But you know toddlers..."

A little side note about Sammy: his last bottle of the night is usually around 10:30pm, and he actually sleeps through it, I just feed it to him to tank him up for the night--did that with Alex, too (it's an idea from the Baby Whisperer, I'm a big fan) and it works great to get baby to last longer through the night. Anyway, he's been sleeping till around 4am for about 2 weeks now, but the night before last night he slept until 5:30am!!! Ahhh, the glory of 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep! Last night it was 4am again, but hopefully that will continue to stretch!


Anonymous said...

Alex, Alex, Alex...what am I going to do with you? But you are just so cute that I guess everything is okay. I am just glad that you had fun and liked it.

Sam, you are a little bundle of sunshine and I can't wait to come and hold you.

Love, Aunt Jen