Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Big Man on Campus

"Watch out. I have a noodle and I know how to use it!"
Who's really the referee here? Alex or Ryan?
Saturday night we had a youth activity night. This was the first one that I was able to take the boys to and we had a great time. I think that Alex has declared himself a member of the youth group. He tried to play all the games with the kids. They play this game called Hocker that is a mix of basketball, hockey, and Soccer, and Alex ran up and down the gym as the kids did. Generally he would stay on the side, but once in a while he would get fearless and run out into the middle...and Daddy would swiftly run and him up in order to avoid getting squished by teenage gym shoes! The funniest thing was the balloon stomp game they played. The kids had to tie a balloon around their ankle and then try to pop other people's balloons while keeping theirs from being popped. Well, Alex wanted those balloons, wanted them badly! And he kept chasing the s in circles trying to get their balloons. They thought it was hilarious! In the end we blew up a few extra balloons for the boy so he could play and not sabatoge the game! I made the food--pizza pockets and cupcakes, and Sam slept through the whole thing!!


Unknown said...

I love the closeup of Alex and the noodle! He looks so serious! Greg said, "I love that boy!"