Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Our Little Sammy-Sam

Ah, the dazed look of a baby in formula heaven...
Ryan gave Sam his bottle for me last night while I gave Alex a bath (pics of why the nerdy kid needed a bath will come later!). Of course Sam spent most of his time smiling & talking to Daddy & little time eating! I would prefer for him to eat rather than to play at his bedtime bottle, but I'm so happy that he can smile through bottles now as opposed to crying through them as he used to, that I can't complain. On that note, here is a little update on Sammy-Sam. Praise the Lord for directing us to a pediatrician who could pinpoint Sam's problem the first time he saw him. Dr. J (which is what they call him because he is Indian and his name is so difficult to pronounce!) diagnosed Sam with Acid Reflux and put him on a baby form of Zantac. He said Sam should only have to take it for a few months; generally little ones grow out of this as the muscles they need to keep the acid down develop and they begin to eat solids. Within a few days of starting him on the medicine we saw definite improvement, and now 2 weeks later he is a different boy! He is happy and smiley, he can eat a whole bottle without screaming, he doesn't cry all evening (the colic was obviously related to the acid reflux), and he sleeps better than before--at night he sleeps beautifully, only waking once around 3:30 or 4am to eat. He is still a bit of a sensitive baby and is much more high maintenance, but he is definitely doing better. Thanks for your prayers, and we can still use them. My big challenge with the little guy now is getting him to sleep on his own. He has been coddled for so long because of his other issues, that now he seems to think that mommy is his crib for naps during the day. Any tips out there for teaching a baby to sleep on his own for naps? Anyway, I am trying to get a video of the boy talking, he has lots to say, though we probably wouldn't want to hear what he is really saying--I'm sure it's all about his mean mommy and how she makes him sleep in his bed and gives him this gross medicine and makes all these weird faces at him just to see him smile and his loud-mouth brother who won't be quiet and let him sleep and his crazy daddy who blows raspberries on his belly...


mommy said...

check out "The Baby Whisperer"...the woman is my hero!!!! seriously:)

Grandpa and Grams said...

Those boys are sooo cute and we miss them alot. Sam changes every new picture you put up so I am going quit saying who he looks like, it will be different next time. Grams can't wait to see you Sammy and Alex. Have mommy give you a big kiss for me.
Love, Grams

van said...

I have seen that same dazed look in Ryans eyes when he arrives in coffee heaven.