Thursday, May 01, 2008

Happy May Day!

Sam is 3 months old today. In some ways I can't believe how fast the last 3 months have gone, and in other ways...well, you get the picture! Anyway, we are so thankful that Sam seems to be adjusting to life and is a happy and healthy baby. Last time I took his stats he was about 14lbs and 25.5in. long. Growing like a weed! He is so smiley now and just as facially expressive as his brother! He is sleeping better and eating well. Though the last few months have been challenging we can see how God is so good to us!

Friday morning Alex, Sammy and I are taking a little road trip. Yes, I am insane, I know it! (and that's half the battle!) We are driving to Iowa to meet my parents at my brother Nate's house. Nate, Heather and Cole haven't met Sammy yet, and my parents are coming to IA for the weekend to go house shopping, so we are all able to get together. Yes, my folks are moving to IA at the end of the month!! They just can't stand to be away from their grandkids any longer--and who can blame them! They will only be about 4 hours from here and we are so glad of that. So, tomorrow we drive about 4 hours to meet them and then drive the rest of the 1.5 hours with them to Nate's house for the weekend. Should be crazy. Should be fun. Should be something I will have stories (perhaps nightmares?) about in the future! We'll let you know how it goes and if you think of us say a little prayer for everyone's safety and sanity!! Ready or not Grandpa and Grams, here we come!!


Anonymous said...

What a brave woman! Have a great weekend.

mitchandcarissa said...

boy, i saw that move coming:) so glad you all will be closer together! lots of road trips in the future. hope you have an awesome trip w/ the boys! i just love going on road trips w/ just me & emmit.