Thursday, January 10, 2008

Mealtime with a Toddler

Today was the first day Alex had true success with his spoon! He was actually able to scoop up some potato soup and really enjoyed slurping it off his spoon--who taught him to slurp??? Notice how he is holding both his spoon and his fork: always be prepared, right? And also how he has 2 sippy cups: he wanted both milk and water with lunch today...sure, no prob!
"Oh no, I just realized I am wearing a bib! I think I can't breathe. Hurry up, get this thing off me before I choke to death! No, I am not over-reacting!!"
All in all, mealtimes with a toddler are lots of fun if you can get past the mess, meltdowns, and occasional mayhem and keep in mind the smiles, giggles, and slurping!!


Anonymous said...

Thats Grams boy:) He looks pretty happy in the last picture. I had so much fun with him when I was there and Look forward to a nice time when sam is born.
Love Ya,

Anonymous said...
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