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The boy said his first "learned-on-his-own" 2 syllable word today: bubbles. Playin in bubbles is one of his favorite things to do and thankfully it's the kind of mess that's really easy for mommy to clean up! Well, today he actually asked for the bubbles all by himself, though it comes out more "bub-bose" (for those of you who can't see the video, the pics below are also for you.) This was pretty exciting for mommy & daddy since we've been trying hard to get him to say more words lately. He's really into baby signing right now, and the doc says that's a good thing and to keep it going, but to try and slowly transfer over to real words. So, now we have another word to add to the list: mumma, dadda, ball, bird, all done, hi, bye-bye, and bubbles. I think there are more, but I can't remember them, and I know that there are a few more that we are pretty sure he has said, but I don't count them until it's obvious that it wasn't just a fluke! I'll try and come up with a list of the words he can sign and post them later. Of course he "talks" gibberesh all the time, so whenever he does start to chat it up....things could get really fun!!
Could he BE any cuter?!?!?! I love the OVER-rounded "Oh" at the end! lol!
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