Wednesday, October 01, 2008

September Silliness

Yo, me out of this place.  Bunch a nuts in here!

His Highness perched on his top of his royal pillows.

Why do kids have to get so stinkin' close to the tv?

Alex is obsessed with Uno cards right now.  He brings them to me and asks "What's This?" so that I will tell him the number and color.  Then he slides them through the slit in the doors of the tv stand.  weird game but keeps him busy!!

So tired from a busy day of playing that he fell asleep drinking his juice!

check out the toddler tummy in all it's glory

mom, seriously, can you give a guy a minute.  I'm writing my will in case Alex ally runs over me or falls and squishes me.  Dad gets my paci & you get my blankie.

the cheezeball strikes again!


Grandpa and Grams said...

Your blog is so much fun to look at from a grandpa's point of view! It looks like Alex is stretching out in the torso, he's got to be an inch taller than the last time I saw him. Sammy has such red plump cheeks and looks plumpdilyicous.

Annie said...

Your boys remind me so much of mine!!! I see Alex and Noah have the same thing in common: the need to not wear any clothes! Doesn't bother me too much! Just when company is over :-)

You look like you are having a blast!!!