Friday, January 26, 2007

New Stuff and Updates

The newest game around our house is the gravity game! Alex seems to enjoy the sound of things hitting the floor. The sippy cup, when he's finished drinking, always makes it to the floor, and Ryan even found the pacifier on the floor next to the crib yesterday!
This is the smile we've been getting lately, the double-chin look. He'll watch one of us until he catches our eye, and then give this smile with his little chin all tucked in! It me up!

Update on the hand: his stitches look great! Very clean job by the doc, no redness or swelling at all. He gets them out on Wednesday, that will be fun.

Update on our SC trip: many of you know that Alex and I were supposed to be in SC from yesterday until Tuesday. Well, I spent many an hour inspecting the inside of the toilet bowl Wednesday night and early Thursday morning! I must have caught some kind of flu bug and was much too weak to attempt a flight to SC. So we rescheduled for next weekend. I'm feeling much better today. I've eaten oatmeal and it stayed down!! I've lost 5 pounds, though I wouldn't recommend this weight loss program to anyone! Anyway, we are looking forward to our visit down south, and will have lots of pics to post when we get back!