Friday, January 12, 2007

Ahh, the Beauty of a Full Night's Sleep!

Alex started sleeping through the night at 21/2months and it was heavenly. Then he started teething...and not sleeping well...around 4 months. I had 6 weeks of rest!! It was nice. Ever since the teething started Alex has been waking up at least once a night crying and rubbing his gums, it's really quite sad. I usually rock him back to sleep after some teething tablets or motrin. Until last beloved child slept from 9pm until 7:30 this morning! Bliss! I gave him the biggest, slobberiest, most thankfulest smooch on his smoochable cheek that he's had in his whole six months of life!! (The pic above is actually from Sunday when Ryan brought Alex in to wake me up from my afternoon nap.)


christina said...

isn't that a most glorious moment? i have no complaints in that department. connor has been a super sleeper. he definitely has the "sleep in" gene from both of us. :)
get some rest! :)

My Middle Age Moments said...

Ahhh bliss. A baby that is a good sleeper. We were blessed with three of them, they got the genes from their lazy sleep0holic mom. :)

One complaint....why do we look forward to those days they sleep in when they are babies and now that they are teenagers I am dragging them out of bed? UGH...full circle is a bear sometimes. Then again, I am dragging ME out of bed most days.