Wednesday, January 24, 2007

And So Begin Alex's Adventures!

My son is only 6 months old and he already has 2 stitches!! When I woke up yesterday morning I never dreamed I'd end the day in the ER! Here's the story: I was sitting right next to him, yes, right next to him, and he grabbed the front of the filing cabinet and pulled--I had no idea the thing had a sharp edge. Well, all of the sudden he was screaming. He cut his finger on the inside of his left index. So I called the pediatrician and they said to take him in to the ER to check and see if he needed stitches. Praise the Lord he fell asleep on the way there, cuz he didn't sleep again for the next 4 hours! It wasn't pretty--the stitching up, I mean. He was a champ, but the crying and screaming was a mixture of pain and anger, for sure! When it was over I gave him a bottle--you can always calm a man down through his stomache, right?--and then he started "talking" up a storm! Was he telling me his side of the story, or telling me off? I'm still not sure! Ryan met me there and we got him home as soon as we could! He did great last night, thanks to the help of our good friend, Mr. Motrin. The doc said to keep it completely dry for the next 48hrs--impossible as everything goes in his mouth, hands especially--so we put a sock on his hand over the bandage. He's happy now, you wouldn't even know he had his first major catastrophe last night. The Lord was good to us, we had a great doc, Alex slept well, and we can do our follow-up with our regular pediatrician! Ahhhhhh, sigh of relief, it's a new day! And so begin Alex's Adventures!!


Anonymous said...

glad he's okay now. dalton will be glad his buddy is doing well.

The Owens said...

poor alex! how sad for such a little guy - but even his tiny bandage is so cute. hope it heals OK and that mr motrin contiues his helpful friendship!

A Weaver's Touch said...

awwwwwwwww - I hurt for him. But he looks so doggone cute with his finger all wrapped up