Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sam the Man

Well, our Sammy has been proclaimed as healthy as a horse by the doc today.  I told him that the kid sure eats like one!!  He is now 31 inches tall and 24.5 lbs.  Not bad!!!  :-)  He is growing up so fast.  The doc was pleased with him being off the bottles now and his transition to table food.  Yes, he puts those 7 teeth to very, very good use!  The doc asked if he uses his fingers to pinch food and bring it to his mouth.  I said he can but typically it happens more by the fistful!  Sam is getting proficient at climbing, running, and generally keeping up with big brother as much as he can.  He is, of course, already learning how to push Alex's buttons--he likes to take his toys and run laughing while Alex chases him, screeching.  We're trying to put an end to that little game!!  He learned to clap his hands yesterday and gets a kick out of his new trick.  He sleeps from 8:30pm until 8am and generally falls asleep quietly talking to the stuffed animals in his crib.  Overall he is a healthy and happy baby and we are so thankful that God has given him to us.  (and big brother is learning to love him, too!)  The pics above are of Sam and his favorite little friend--he carries this doggy all over the house and randomly drops to the floor to give him hugs and kisses.  What a goof!


Grandpa and Grams said...

Grams misses you and loves you dearly Sammy.
Love, Grams