Monday, February 16, 2009

"Hap-dy Heart Day!" as said by Alex

These are the sweet Valentine's we got from family & friends!

Ryan got me a pot of beautiful mums this year so that I can plant them in the flower garden in a few months--I just have to keep them alive until then!!

Ryan picked Cherry pie as his Valentine's Day dessert this year.  It is our tradition to have a special Italian meal on Valentine's Day in honor of the sweet little Italian restaurant  we went to on our honeymoon.  I forgot to get a picture of it before it was devoured, but this year I made Spinach and Cheese Stuffed Manicotti and it was delicious!!

One of our heart shaped pancakes we had for bfast.  

Some of our V-day decor.  The kids are old enough to begin to appreciate party decorations and though I am not a terribly sentimental person, I do like making holidays special for them!  So we had special decorations and meals on Saturday.  It was fun for all of us!

Oh, I don't think I've posted a pic of my new dining set before this one!  Don't you LOVE it?  I do.  For the past 5 years we have been using a very nice dining set that the Coons gave us.  It's a great table and chairs that are very sturdy and will hold up through my boys' teenage years, I'm sure.  It's just WAYYY too big for my current little eat-in kitchen so it's safely sleeping in the storage unit until we someday get into a bigger house.  Anyway, I had been musing about looking for a smaller dining set since we moved here, and my mom found one on clearance for about 1/3 of the original price and gave it to me for Christmas.  I LOVE it...did I mention that already!  It is just what I wanted: mission style, black, round, elegant, simple.  And it give us soooo much more space in the kitchen.  So, here it is with some of our Valentine decor.