Friday, February 20, 2009

The Germies Have Invaded!!

Well, we've been fighting the germies since Monday. And yesterday, a few boxes of kleenex, about a million sneezes, and many many coughs later, we visited our new doctor. This would be no big deal if it wasn't for the one thing at the dr. office my kids fear most in the world......the scale. Yep, you read that right, the scale. Not needles, though they don't love those, not the stethoscope...the scale. As soon as they are supposed to sit or step on one of those they cry like I am trying to remove a limb. So weird!! At this doc office since they are no longer infants, the nurses will let me hold them and then just subtract my weight, which is much easier. So, after we got victory over our arch nemesis, we were able to see the doc peacefully. They both have viral infections, and Alex has his first ear infection. So, hopefully in 4 or 5 more days they will be back to normal. For now they are two quite pathetic little boys. They aren't eating well, don't have much energy, and are very clingy. Sam keeps falling asleep and taking little naps at the weirdest times, and Alex has found out how to snuggle himself up on the couch with a blanket very comfortably. Yesterday Alex's throat was really hurting him and he would hardly eat anything, so Daddy brought him a vanilla shake--this was the first thing that brought a real smile to his face all day!!


Grandpa and Grams said...

I hope your two little boys are feeling better this weekend. We all have our phobia's and I guess 'scaleaphobia' isn't so bad compared with some strange ones I've heard of. I'm glad you were there for them in their time of distress.