Monday, February 09, 2009

Betsy's Wedding

I was gone last weekend for my friend Betsy's wedding.  Jen & I drove the 13 hours together and listened to some pretty good books on tape to make it go faster--hopefully someday I will get to hear the end of the second one!  The wedding was gorgeous, went very smoothly, and provided a good opportunity to get caught up with several old friends!  (we all thanked Betsy for having a wedding so we could get together!!)  Matt was a groomsman and Jen & I were both bridesmaids so we got to spend a lot of time together.  Betsy let all her bridesmaids pick out their own black formal gown for the wedding which was really cool.  The variety in the dresses is going to look really nice in her pictures.  Speaking of pictures...we took some out of doors--and was freezing!!!  Betsy, you owe us big time!!  I have some more pics I want to put on here, but don't have any more time today so this post will have to be continued...