Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Few Weekends Ago...

...we took a quick trip to Grams and Grandpa's house to see them and Uncle Matt who was there for the weekend. We had a good time grilling, playing in the yard, and watching movies. It was quite interesting at night since there were people sleeping in about every room available and babies that kept getting scared by all the thunder from the crazy storm we got...but most of us took a quick nap in the afternoon to make up for lack of sleep! It was nice to see Matt and to spend some time together. Mom got one of those Cozy Coupes off of Ebay, and the little boys were "sharing" it all weekend! :-) Grandmother that she is, she went out and bought another one so they each can have one next time they are together!


Unknown said...

A front porch for Gram's!? Has Sarah seen this?