Friday, July 18, 2008

Alex's 2 year Photo Shoot

People told me that the 2 year photo shoot would be the hardest.  I thought they meant hard because of the "terrible twos," but that wasn't the tricky part of our photo shoot-- Alex behaved like a gem!  The thing was just getting him to stay still long enough to actually get a shot!  We were scheduled for 10am, and since there was nobody else scheduled until after 11am, the photographers took their time with us and eventually got a few shots that worked!  The key to our success...a toy cell phone they had as a prop (not my choice of prop, but hey, it did the job) that really clicked with my son because of his obsession with cell phones!  (Apparently Walmart's photo studio is owned by the Sears Photo studio, and is switching over to the digital program they use, so hopefully next time I have a photo shoot to post I will be able to do so from their website and not have to do a "gettofabulous" job like this one! Oh, well, I wanted to share the cuteness anyway!)

This one is sweet.

I like to do the pics I put on the shelf for our "family photos" in black & white.

This is the look that says, "Dude, did you ask if you could take my picture?  I'm kind of on an important call here."

A typical pose of a kid having fun!