Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Alex is 2 years old!!

Can you believe the boy is 2? We can't! But even though he definitely has moments when the "terrible twos" shows through, we are so glad Alex is our boy and wouldn't trade him for the world! He is a joy to our family and puts smiles on our faces every day! We had a fun birthday weekend with Grandparents. We kind of spread the celebration throughout the day on Saturday and even on Sunday when we went for ice-cream, just to keep it from being too overwhelming for the kid. Even still I think some of the sugar-high/attention-overload is still wearing off!! A big thanks to Grandpa and Grams and Grandpa and Grandma Mitts for driving all this way to celebrate Alex's bday with us. We all had a great time!


Anonymous said...

What a COOL cake! Greg says, "I miss those guys." Me too. We'll definitely have to go to the zoo together when we finally get out there!