Friday, November 23, 2007

"You Better Watch Out, You Better Not Cry..."

Well, there were definitely a few tears from Alex when Santa came to town this year. We went to Twelve Oaks Mall today to do a little shopping and see Santa. Things went well, the line was short and moving fast, we put in our order, and Alex was in good spirits. Then we started walking up to Santa...and about 3 steps from him Alex stopped...and started backing up! Not a good sign. So, I picked him up and Santa talked really quietly to him and I eventually set him on Santa's knee. I backed up toward the camera as quickly as I could, but not fast enough! Santa was very patient and sweet, but the boy would have nothing of it! Thankfully he gave Santa a smile and a wave before we left, no hard feelings apparently! Well, needless to say, the photos we had to choose from weren't exactly ideal, but they did capture the moment! Merry Christmas!