Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A smidge of this and that...

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The boy who never cooperates on camera actually pulled through yesterday! This video shows just a smidge of many of the different things that happen during mealtime. After he figures out that the flash isn't going to blind him, we have a little bit of peek-a-boo & a failed attempt at using his fork, before the kid actually gets some pancake into his mouth! Of course then he must put down his fork to applaud himself and this big accomplishment, and upon hearing the clapping decides a little bit more banging would be fun. That makes him thirsty so he needs some milk, for which he actually does his signs on camera--miracles do happen! (Jenny Pittsley, you will enjoy how his sign for drink is a little off, and his sign for please has degressed from rubbing hand in circle on chest, to rubbing hand in circle on head, to just tapping head! Oh, well, it works for us!) We finish up with blowing some kisses, more blinking for the flash that never comes, and pointing at his eyes when I mention them! It's like his own video version of "If You Give a Pig a Pancake!"