Monday, November 12, 2007

Caught Red Handed!

Often when Alex hears the mixer going in the kitchen he runs in and wants to sit on the counter and watch it. I always keep his hands away from it, and he knows it's one of those "danger" things he's not supposed to touch when it's going. Well, over the weekend I made some cookies, and sure enough the boy came running to watch them mix. After I turned the mixer off I looked over to read my recipe and after a minute I heard "Mmmmmmm!" The boy discovered the joys eating cookie dough and was quite pleased with both himself and this new treat! I let him get a few licks before I put him down, which he was NOT happy with, but it was bedtime anyway--hence the pj's. Guess a love for cookie dough is just one of those things that comes naturally!


Jen said...

Too cute!! I'm a firm believer in letting the kiddos "help" with cooking/baking! They must be prepared for life! (Unlike myself) I'm glad Alex likes to "Mix". My kids still shut their doors until the mixer is done! Ha!

Grandpa and Grams said...

Keep up the good work Alex, life only gets better from here on out. Many a rainy Saturday morning was spent sneaking licks from my Mom's cookie batter bowl when I was young.

Annie said...

He is too cute. I love his little jammies!