Friday, September 05, 2008

Hanging Out at Grandpa and Grams

Sammy LOVES to play outside in the pack-n-play. He rolls and squirms around in there and watches big brother and Grandpa.

It's wrestle-mania around here.

Alex gets to eat at his own little man table. You can tell how independent and grown-up he feels.

Both Alex and Sam like Uncle Nate's dogs (staying with mom and dad while Nate and Heather are in Colorado) as long as they are a bit of a distance away and can't touch them.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you all are having lots of fun!

I am glad that grams (whom Alex affectionately calls "sss") and grandpa are having such fun with my boys, especially now that both will be staying with them for the week.

I miss you Jess (and boys), and look forward to seeing you soon.

Ryan (whom Alex affectionately calls "Daddeeee" and whom Sam affectionately spits up on regularly... especially when wearing dry-clean-only pants or suits)