Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Little Bit of Alex-ness

Alex's stats these days:  He's 35lbs and 38.5inches tall!!!  Yep, he's several notches off the top of the percentile chart for his height--wonder where he gets that from!

Alex has never been very cuddly, but these days he's very, very love-y.  He will run up to Ryan or I in the middle of playing or whatever just for a hug or a smooch.  And I've caught him smooching Sammy's forehead several times now!  If he's not getting your attention the way he wants to he will put his hand under your chin and turn your face so that you are looking directly at his eyes.  Hhhmmmm...wonder if his mommy or daddy have ever done that to him....  Not that he's always so charming.  He is two afterall.  He's become a master of "the fit."  But he is, Praise the Lord, responding really well to correction these days and we are seeing fewer and fewer fits. 

Alex enjoys making little brother laugh.  And most anything he does makes little brother laugh.  He's a goofball at the table anyway.  The kid can't just eat applesauce.  He has to make airplane noises as it goes in his mouth.  Or he has to turn the spoon over and eat the applesauce off the other end--it's really slow going that way.  And yes, he's still a ketchup fanatic.

If he sees anything he likes he says "ooooooooohhhhh" with this little lilt in his voice that is so cute.  He does this for food, any good news we tell him (like "time to go outside!"), something he likes in a movie or book, or just anything that tickles his fancy.  

Alex....well, he's my crazy kid!  He's always doing crazy stuff.  He is my little Mad Scientist in that he has to experiment with everything.  For instance:  He can't just drink the water out of the bathtub (gross as that is), he has to suck it off his toes to see how that works!  We often discribe Alex's life as "teetering on the brink of disaster."  Here's a story to illustrate.  Ryan was getting ready for work the other morning and I heard Alex go in the bathroom with him.  He usually climbs up to stand on the toilet and brush his hair or play in the sink or something.  Well for a second I heard them just talking, then it was quiet, then Ryan yells "Alex, Nooooooooo!"  Apparently Alex was doing his norm and Ryan turned to get something out of the cupboard and when he looked back Alex had his hands on either side of the toilet seat and was swiftly lowering his head down into the toilet bowl.  What were his intentions if he hadn't been stopped?  I don't even want to think about it...."Teetering on the Brink of Disaster."  That's my boy!

Alex is finally starting to consistently use more words and he knows a ton of them now.  He has a big list of his favorite food words--shocker there!  He often sounds like he's from New England when he talks (very funny since I did the same thing.  I was knicknamed Boston for a while because of it.)  Just a few of my favorite words that he says are:
Buzz (as in Buzz Lightyear):  "Buzzzssssssss"
Colors:   "Col-ahhhrs"  
Crackers:    "Cack-ahhhs"
Daddy:  "Daddeeeeee"
Stickers:  "Kickers"
Pizza:  "peet-da, peet-da"
Blue:  "Bwuuuu"  (he says this like he's blowing out air)
Alex:  "Aaa-yeex"
And my very favorite is "Mum-Mum"  That's me!!