Friday, June 06, 2008

Let's Back Up a Bit...

Two weekends ago we drove to my parents new house and helped them move in. Well, the guys did most of the heavy lifting, we s did a little unpacking, a lot of supervising, and kept track of the kids. We had an eventful night with 3 kids under 3 in the house getting up at various times either for a bottle or because of the terrible storms we were getting. But we got the truck unloaded and somehow even fit my mom's enormous couch through the front door!! (had mom worried there for a few minutes!) We celebrated Jen's bday and had a great time! We are so glad to have Mom, Dad, Jen, & Grandma living so close again. Now only if we could talk Matt into moving out here...

This was the sight we came home to late Saturday night! The storms had blown down a huge limb from the tree in our front yard! Praise the Lord that though branches were touching almost every window on the front of the house, no glass was broken nor any damage done to the house! One of the deacons from church brought his chainsaw by and made a path so we could use the front door, and thankfully a neighbor from down the street wanted the wood for firewood, so it was all "magically" gone when we got home from camp!


Unknown said...

Are you starting a compound out there?