Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Family Trip to the Zoo

Last week we were looking at the summer calendar and realized that between activities with the church/youth group and family visits the next 4 or 5 weeks are booked solid! So we decided that if we were going to work in a family outing we should just get in the car and go before the days slipped away on us!! So, on Friday afternoon we loaded up and drove the 2.5 hours to Omaha. They actually have a GREAT zoo there in Omaha. Well worth the drive. We really only made it to the aquarium and the jungle, but we bought a membership for the year because we plan to get back there many more times! We weren't there terribly long, but we all had a good time. Alex spent not one second in the stroller we took for him! He walked (& attempted to run) the whole time, talking all the way. He pointed and jumped and laughed. He was in little boy heaven! Sam used the stroller instead of the baby carrier I had planned for him to sleep in because he wouldn't go to sleep! He watched everybody and everything. Very intently. And Ryan and I enjoyed the nature around us, but mostly just watching the reactions of our kids. Talk about family fun.


Unknown said...

Looks like a great place! I look forward to doing a joint visit someday! Can you imagine--4 boys at the zoo?