Monday, December 17, 2007

Snow Day

Saturday we took Alex to play out in the snow for the first time. I was pretty much exhausted just getting him all bundled up in his snow gear, but he had a good time running around with daddy!

Daddy had to keep a hand on the boy when he went close to our neighbor's fence because he kept acting like he was going to lick it!!! Yeah, he'd be sorry he tried that!

It took a little time for Alex to get used to walking in his snowpants, so he spent a lot of time falling down and getting up! And every time he said his favorite phrase, "uh-oh!"

"I LOVE snow!" By Sunday we had 6 inches or more and it got a lot colder, so I'm not sure if we'll make it out in the snow today, but maybe tomorrow! It's hot chocolate season for sure!