Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Video Problems

Ok, so we are having some technical difficulties with Dropshots, the program that I usually upload my videos to, and now with my back-up as well, YouTube. I have tried to redo that last video, so if you have a minute try it again, and hopefully it will be able to be viewed, but if it never loads for you please leave me a comment so that I can know to try something else. Man, who ever said technology was supposed to make everything easier, cuz they lied!!!

Anyway, Alex is almost exclusively walking now. He is getting really, really good at it, too! In fact we had to ban walking on the couch the other day, too dangerous for our fearless boy. Ryan's folks are here from SC, and we are spending a few days with them in Frankenmuth, so I probably won't blog again until sometime next week (sorry Grandpa and Grams, I know I've been delinquent lately and now there will be another delay in your steady stream of Alex photos!) So, have a great weekend, I know we will--shopping, swimming, relaxing, could it be much better? :-)