Friday, March 30, 2007

Get Ready, Get Set, Go???

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Well, he hasn't gone anywhere quite yet, but practice makes perfect and he sure is getting lots of practice. He hardly plays with toys or does anything else right now. All he wants to do is learn to crawl! Oh, and you'll have to excuse the noise of the TV in the background--I didn't realize it would be so loud on the video!


Annie said...

Ohhhh, He is SOOO close! Count your blessings, our little guy was crawling and pulling up on furniture at 6 months. I am not saying that to brag. Trust me! I would have loved for him to stay imobile for a little bit longer! Now I am concerned if the front door is unlocked. If it isn't locked, he's out of here!

I hope you like Pursuit of Happyness. We ended up buying it. It's a good story line, just really really sad. Very predictable but good nonetheless!