Friday, March 12, 2010

Hang Time with Daddy

Daddy is our favorite dude around here! We're all missing him today because he is on a trip with the school and left before the boys got up (I got up and saw him off at 4:45am but went back to bed directly!!) and won't be home until after they are in bed. Here's a few fun facts about daddy around here!
1. If Ryan comes home and does not acknowledge Sam's presence within the first few seconds the little guy gets really offended! He wants Daddy to come right to him and play!!
2. Both boys have started a little ritual when Ryan leaves for work of walking him to the back door and standing there waving, yelling bye, and blowing kisses until he is out of sight. It's really cute.
3. Alex rarely refers to Ryan as just "Daddy" anymore when he's not in his presence--it's "MY Daddy." Especially if he's mad at me or gets into trouble (I know shocking!) he will say, "I want my daddy!" Or he'll tell me, "I miss my daddy at work!"