Monday, March 08, 2010

The Children's Museum

This winter one of the best things that happened to us was being pointed in the direction of the small children's museum in town. And when I say small...I'm talking itty bitty. But, it is packed with stuff the kids love and has really helped us with this ginormous bout of Cabin Fever that has settled in!! The boys' fave things to do at the CM are: the Thomas Trains, of course, the little grocery store, the keyboard, the face paints (just recently Alex got brave enough to let me do his face like Bolt--or a version thereof...Sam is still opposed), the dinosaur landscape, and the puzzles/brain games they have. I purchased a membership for us last fall and we have probably gone 10+ times since then, so we definitely got our money's worth! The kids love it and you would be amazed at how fast the toys get cleaned up when I say we can go to the CM as soon as the house is tidy!! Here are some pics from one of our last outings to the CM.