Monday, February 15, 2010

Sam's 2nd Birthday Celebrations

Sammy had 2 bday celebrations this year--guess that's fitting since he turned 2!! The first was at home on his birthday when he opened presents from us and out of town family members (and actually a few days later again when he got another box!!), and we sang and had cupcakes decorated by big brother and mommy. It was fun and low-key and exactly perfect to be able to open up and play with all his new toys right away!!

His second bday celebration took place in Iowa at the Incredible Pizza with some of the Gibsons (and a few presents) and also at Gampa & Gi-Gi's house for cake and presents from them. Sam LOVES the Incredible Pizza because he can run around like a crazy man (we always go on weekdays when it isn't so busy) and also play the ski-ball for LONG periods of time!! He's not quite tall enough to ride on the go-karts, but I'm sure he'll love that soon too! Sammy was quite spoiled this year, as always, and I think he really got the hang of opening presents by the end of it all! His big gift from Mommy & Daddy (and Gampa & Gi-Gi pitched in on this too) was a redecorating of his bedroom to be Thomas the Train since he needed new bedding for his toddler bed--pics of that coming soon!


Grandpa and Grams said...

Sammy won't remember it but that was a great birthday celebration!

Grandpa and Grams said...

Sammy won't remember it but that was a great birthday celebration!