Saturday, February 06, 2010

Sammy's 2 yr Photos & Some Family Photos, too

Sammy was semi-cooperative as far as portraits went. He WOULD NOT SIT by himself. So, we did some standing up pics instead! (any wonder we skipped his 18mo. pics all together??? the kid does not do photo shoots so well!! pity, too, since he's so photogenic!)

Sam's football stance

love the tongue

Sam's adorable mischievous look...

It only took one shot to get a good one of the two boys together, and since they were ready to be done already at that point, we just let it be!!

here's the only family photo in which we are all smiling and looking at the same time! It's a bit goofy, but it works!!

And some bloopers to make you laugh!! (no, we didn't order any of these!)