Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Some Backyard Fun

For Alex, "outside" is not just one word. He says it more like this: "outside-play! outside-play!" Which is usually followed by "slide!" or "bubbles!" his two great loves, whichever he thinks of first. For Sam "outside" means room to run. The child will not stay put. He would be running all over the neighborhood if we would let him. We are trying to teach him the boundaries of our yard, but it is slow in coming. Sam's motto apparently is: don't fence me in!


Grandpa and Grams said...

My Grandson's are the BEST!!!!!!!!
Grams is coming for a visit boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grandpa and Grams said...

Wow, the weather looks great for two little boys playing in the yard. The yard is a big, wonderous world in he spring that needs to be explored.