Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Decorating Easter Eggs

Alex loves eggs, so he was instantly excited about this new project!

Poor Sam was so sad to not be able to get in on the action. But he in that completely destructive phase right now and there was no way that boy could get too close to cups of dye! We felt so bad for him so daddy came up with a way for Sammy to get invovled.

I think this was right before Sam threw the egg on the ground, it cracked, and he said "uh-oh!"

Alex was very diligent about counting the number of times each egg got dipped.

this was right before Sam squeezed the egg so hard he crushed it!! ;-) Captain Destructo strikes again!!

These are our eggs on our new egg tray that we actually made as a family! A lady in our church has a small ceramic shop so we went there a few weeks ago and painted this egg tray just for Easter. It was a really fun time and now we have this to bring out every Easter to remember it!